Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani

APOLOGY, please note:

This blog is still under construction. We do not wish to publish it to search engines yet until we post a significant amount of information. Those who have just visited this blog by clicking links from other "architectural series" blogs or just surfed from Blogger itself, we apologize greatly and request for patience. We hope in due time all the blogs of architectural series will be helpful to all, especially for the architects.

Until then, please visit "architectural monographs" and "film and architecture" a subsection of "Architectural videos" which are relatively rich in content.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Delanda : Deleuze and the use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture (Video)

Video lecture

lecture topic: Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture
lecture genre: Digital architecture

speaker:  Manuel Delanda
delivered at: Colombia University, Art and Technology Lecture Series
lecture date:  April 9, 2004

Delanda : Deleuze and the use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture

Lecture topic: Deleuze and the use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture
Lecture genre: Digital Architecture 

lecturer: Manuel Delanda
lecture : 01
lecture given at:

Between Bladerunner and Mickey Mouse: New Architecture in Los Angeles Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, 04-22.04.01
and at Designing for a Digital World RIBA E-Futures Conference, London, UK, 04.06.01
and at Immanent Choreographies: Deleuze & Neo-Aesthetics Conference, Tate Modern, UK, 22.09.01
and at The Institute for Information & Media Studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 24.09.01
and at The School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin, USA, 12.10.01
and at Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 15.11.01
and at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, USA, 15.02.02
in Neil Leach (ed), Designing for a Digital World, New York: Wiley, 2002, ISBN 0-470-84419-1 (pbk)
and in Ali Rahim (ed), Contemporary Techniques in Architecture, New York: Wiley, 2002, ISBN 0-470-84320-9 (pbk)


After asserting his realist conviction in the self-creativity of matter, DeLanda concerns himself with breeding (evolving) novel virtual buildings (rather than designing them). There are three potential problems for the architect, with three corresponding contributions from Deleuze. The first concerns replicators, and the benefits of population thinking about reproductive communities. The second concerns the need for load bearing structures, and the benefits of intensive thinking about productive differences. The third concerns the rich surge space necessary for genuinely novel buildings, and the benefits of non-Eudlidean thinking about abstract diagrams, topologies and multiplicities.


"Architectural Lectures"
is a component of "architectural series" blog project
which consists of architecture related case studies, monographs, standards, theories, videos, histories and lnterviews.

it is necessary here to mention that the blogs are created for a general reader group consists of students of architecture for whom this blogs may help to prepare for studies. hence quantity of the contents is more important here regardless of the quality. also we like to mention that very few (almost none) posts presented here by the blogger are original. this blog series is actually a compilation project which combines contents categorically that are already present in the web sphere. however students/ readers are encouraged to post comments or topics of their own on the specific theme of the blog.

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